Friday, March 31, 2006

Stitches are ITCHY!

Cookie: "Annie, why are you wearing that blue thing? You look like a big flower."

Annie: "My stitches are itchy."

Cookie: "Yes, but why would itchy stiches make you wear a flower?"

Annie: "Cookie, I would like to lick and SCRATCH my ITCHY STITCHES! This blue thing is like a fence to keep me from myself!"

Cookie: "Oh."

Annie: "Because I am a weener dogus, I have to have the medium size collar. I can reach my head right around the small collar and lick away."

Annie: "I am having a little trouble seeing over the top of this thing......and I would sure like to be able to scratch my itchy stitches!"

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Not Such a Great Day

Annie: "I am so glad to be home. I want to go to my crate and rest. The vet cleaned my teeth and pulled one tooth. He said my mouth was not as bad as he thought, but my abscessed tumor was worse than he thought. I am all stitched up now and I am glad he gave Mama pills for pain.

"Valerie held me on her lap with a soft blanket in the car on the way home. I was glad for her and her warm lap. She is my good girl. It is good to be safe and home again. Mama will take care of me and make me comfortable now.


Our mama thinks Cookie is a very cute dog and she submitted this photo of Cookie for the "Nestle Pet of the Month." Cookie is cute, of course, but not as cute as me!!! Anyway, I love Cookie and I would like you to vote for her. If you would please click on this link, scroll down to the picture of Cookie, and vote for her, we would appreciate it.

Please go to Vote for your pet.

Cookie is very excited and promises that she will still be the same humble dog if she wins this great honor!

Thank you so much!



I Don't Feel So Good

Jackie: "Annie, how come Mama didn't give you a breakfast this morning?"

Annie: "I am not feeling well again.....I am going to the vet today. He is going to clean and pull some of my teeth. I also have a tumor that has burst--he will sew it up for me."

Cookie: "I don't think you are going to have a very good day!"

Jackie: "Yah, starting with NO BREAKFAST!!!"

Annie: "I don't like missing my breakfast, but I know that Mama will soften my dinner with chicken broth like last time. I am looking forward to that."

Cookie: "Well, I don't like going to the vet, but I do like feeling better."

Annie: "I will be glad when this day is over and back home again. It is good to be home."

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Our Kids are Home!

Jackie: "Finally, the kids are home! I missed the kids. We didn't have anyone to play with."

Cookie: "You had me and Annie to play with."

Jackie: "You can't throw a ball!"

Cookie: "Let's see if we can get them to go outside and throw the ball for us."

Jackie: "Throw it James!!!!!"

Cookie: "I can get it first!"Jackie: "But I am SO fast!"

Jackie: "I am glad they are home. I sure do like to play with the ball.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

No Fun Until Tomorrow

Cookie: "Where are the kids? I want one of them to throw my ball for me." Jackie: "The kids went on an overnight trip to Seaworld Camp. We won't have anyone to throw the ball for us until tomorrow.

Cookie: "I miss my kids when they are gone."

Jackie: "Me too."

Friday, March 24, 2006

Friday's Adventures

Jackie: "Cookie and Annie, I am so glad you are home! What did you do today?"

Annie: "The vet looked at me and gave me some medicine. I am okay, but in three weeks I have to have some teeth pulled."

Jackie: "That is too bad...and what about you, Cookie?"

Cookie: "Wait.....wait......I need to rub and roll first......"

Cookie: "I had a bath. I am very clean and I have my warm-weather haircut already. Mama says that we will have warm desert weather again soon."

Jackie: "I missed you both today. I don't really like being home alone."

Cookie: "It is fun to go out, and I like to be clean. The groomer is nice and she rubs my face....but it sure is good to be home. Let's go out to the yard and get the sunshine before the day is over."

Jackie: "We can enjoy the sunshine together!"

Home Alone

Jackie: "Yipeee! Road trip!!! Where are we going in the car today?!"

Cookie: "Well, I am going to the groomer's. Mama says I need a good bath and my nails need to be trimmed."

Annie: "I am going to the vet. I don't feel very good and the vet is going to look at me.

Jackie: "That is fine! James can take me to the dog park! Let me just go check the potted plant for my ball and...."

James: "Jackie, I have to go to school today."

Jackie: "Oh.....then I will be home alone. I don't like to be home alone, I want my pals."

Cookie: "Just for awhile Pup, and then we'll be back."

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

First Aid

Jackie: "Well, you are a busy dog, Cookie. Were you teaching the Boy Scouts again?"

Cookie: "Yes. Tonight Mama helped me teach them first aid."

Jackie: "Did Mama butt in this week as much as last week?"

Cookie: "No, not nearly as much."

Jackie: "Then you taught the Boy Scouts that we need to eat slow-cooked chicken."

Cookie: "No, still dog food."

Jackie: "Well, what did you teach them tonight, then."

Cookie: "First I taught them how to put an emergency muzzle on a dog."

Jackie: "I don't think I would like that."

Cookie: "I didn't like it very much....and in order to get the Dog Care badge, all seven boys had to muzzle me!"

Jackie: "I hope you got a little treat."

Cookie: "I did. Then I taught the boys how to bandage a hurt paw. That wasn't so bad"

Cookie: "After that I taught them how to make a tail bandage."

Jackie: "WHAT is a tail bandage?! Is it made out of dogs?"

Cookie: "No silly, it is a towel cut so that it can tie across a dog's back."

Jackie: "I don't think I would like to teach Boy Scouts about dog care."

Cookie: "Well, these boys were very nice. I have made a lot of friends.!"

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Jackie: "Annie, don't you just love a hot sunbeam?"

Annie: "Ahhhhhh. It sure is nice to bake."

Monday, March 20, 2006

Where is my Ball????

Jackie: "I just hate it when I can't find my ball. It is such a nice one. I want to chew on it. Annie, do you know where it is?

Annie: "No, you will just have to look for it. Don't you remember when you had it last?"

Cookie: "I think you left it in your crate."

Jackie: "Well, let me check."

Jackie: "Cookie, I don't see it in here."

Cookie: "Well, how about under the blanket? Sometimes you like to bury it under the blanket."

Jackie: "Maybe if I pull this blanket out of the crate, I will find it."

Annie: "Look under the blanket. Is it there?"

Jackie: "No, it isn't under here....where could it be? I think it is gone forever. Oh, it was my favorite ball!"

Cookie: "Keep looking silly."

Jackie: "Well, maybe it is up here....No, not here."

Jackie: "Maybe in the potted plant.....?"

Jackie: "Ha!!!! Here it is! How did it get in here!?"

Jackie: "Ooooo, I love a good chewy ball. I am so glad I found it."

Annie: "So are we!"

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day....Catch me if you Can!

Jackie: "Happy St. Patrick's Day! If I put my ears back like this I think I look like a leprechaun. If people see me they will chase me and that will be fun!"

Cookie: "Why would anyone chase a leprechaun?"

Jackie: "Cookie, EVERYONE knows that if you catch a leprechaun he will give you a pot of gold!"

Cookie: "Well, gold is not as good as chicken, but I will chase you!"

Jackie: "Let's see you try! Leprechauns run very will never catch me!"

Cookie: "We'll see about that. Come here Leprechaun!"

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Teaching the Boy Scouts

Jackie: "Where were you tonight, Cookie? You went out with Mama and James."

Cookie: "I am teaching a Boy Scout merit badge class on dog care. I am showing boys how to take care of dogs--Mama is helping me teach them....a little."

Jackie: "Did you tell them that they need to feed dogs as much chicken as possible and food from the table?"

Cookie: "No, Mama told them dogs need to eat dog food."

Jackie: "Did y0u tell them that dogs need to go to school with their kids?"

Cookie: "No, Mama told the Boy Scouts that dogs need to be on a leash."

Jackie: "Well it sure sounds like Mama butted in a lot. I am sure you told them that we need a good walk in the sunshine EVERY DAY!"

Cookie: "Yes, I did tell them that! I also taught them how to sit, stay and heel."

Jackie: "Boys do have trouble sitting, staying and heeling. They don't seem to understand that we do the leading and they need stick with us and go at our pace."

Annie: "Also, they need to stop when we need to sniff something interesting."

Cookie: "I made them practice and had them sitting and heeling very nicely by the end of the class."

Cookie: "I also taught the boys about grooming and that we like a nice gentle brushing."

Jackie: "And roast beef for dinner!"

Cookie: "No, dog food, remember."

Cookie: "I like Boy Scouts. They were nice to me and gave me lots of pets and hugs. "

Cookie: "I did get a little tired after awhile and then Mama put me in my crate until it was time to go home. I am pretty sure I taught those boys a thing or two!"

Jackie: "Cookie, you are so smart! I am sure you did."