Sunday, June 29, 2008

Trash Dive

Maxie: "Hmmmmm......I smell something delicious in that trash."Maxie: "Ha! I knew it! Here's a little leftover egg.....yum......" Maxie: "Oh, even better, here's the paper towel Mama used to wipe the bacon grease out of the skillet!"

Maxie: "Huh?"
Maxie: "Nuts. Busted!"
Maxie: "Busted, but not sorry!"

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Long Way Down

Zoe: "I got a little problem here."Zoe: "It's been comfortable napping on this bed....."Zoe: "But while I was asleep, someone moved my stairs...."Zoe: "How in the world am I going to get down??" Zoe: "It's a really long way down. I could be hurt or even killed if I jumped."Zoe: "And that would be terrible!"Zoe: "I could try to make a jump from here to the stairs....."Zoe: "But just look how far down the floor is......If I missed they would find me and never know what happened. It would be so sad."Zoe: "Ah here comes help! Can you please put my stairs next to be bed for me so I can get down, please."
Zoe: "Thanks!"

Friday, June 27, 2008

Birthday Visit from an Old Friend

Cosmo: "Zoe?"

Zoe: "Cosmo!"

Cosmo: "Happy birthday, Zoe! I wanted to look in on you....are you being a good girl?"Maxie: "N-O. No, she is not being a good girl, and who are you?"Zoe: "That's Cosmo! Cosmo was my very best friend in the world before I came to live with here."

Cosmo: "I remembered that this was your birthday and I wanted to see you. You were such a cute little puppy."
Zoe: "And you took such good care of me, Cosmo."

Cosmo: "You were a good girl but you wore me out sometimes."

Maxie: "Well she still wears me out, so nothing has changed that way." Zoe: "Maxie! Cosmo is my friend....shouldn't you be out in the yard checking for buffalos?"

Maxie: "Nope. I already did the buffalo check this morning and we're all clear."

Cosmo: "Is this a good place Zoe?"

Zoe: "Yes, it's a very good place. I love my family and my friends....but Cosmo, you will always be my very good friend too. I learned so much from you."

Cosmo: "I tried to teach you good manners."

Maxie: "Well, you missed the mark a little there."

Zoe: "Well, Jackie didn't do such a great job with you either."

Maxie: "Grrrrrr."

Cosmo: "We had a lot of fun playing together, didn't we Zoe?"

Zoe: "......and napping when we were tired."

Maxie: "If you were such good friends, how come Zoe is here with us."
Cosmo: "Well, I taught her everything I knew and I wanted her to learn and be fluent in a foreign lanugage."

Maxie: "Foreign language?"

Cosmo: Yes, I wanted her to learn to speak Chihuahua."

Maxie: "CHIHUAHUA?????"
Zoe: "I am doing pretty well, Cosmo. Chihuahua is mostly growling and yapping. I have a little trouble with that tongue roll that Maxie just demonstrated, but I'm getting it down."

Cosmo: "I'm glad to hear that, Zoe."

Zoe: "I love you Cosmo. You will always be my friend. I hope you come back and see me again soon."

Cosmo: "Be a good girl, practice your Chihuahua, and I'll see you soon. You will be my friend forever too, Zoe."

Happy Birthday Zoe!

Zoe: "Today's my birthday! I'm one year old today." Jackie: "Zoe, you're still just a pup."

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Abby: "It is GOOD to be home! I wonder what my friends will think of my new haircut. They might not even know it's me. I sure look different and I know I smell different." Maxie: "Abby!"

Jackie: "You smell like dog shampoo."

Abby: "When I got left behind, I was really worried too."

Jackie: "Well you should have known that this family would never leave you someplace and not come back."

Zoe: "You are my best friend! I am so glad you are home and safe."

"Abby, I just wanted you to be clean and comfortable. You should have known me better than to be afraid. I love you Abby."
Abby: "I love you too my very own girl."
Abby: "I like to get pets from Master Man."

Zoe: "Well I am not going to let you out of my sign Abby, even if you are getting pets from Master Man."
Zoe: "I'll just stick right here with you."

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Schnauzer Cut

Abby: "Oooooo this is terrible. I've lost my home, family and friends. And now I am getting my hair all cut off." Abby: "I thought Valerie loved me. How could she get rid of me and have me tortured....."

Abby: "Wait a minute! There's Valerie.....did she come to take me back?"

Abby: "She probably doesn't even recognize me all bald and everything."
Valerie: "Abby! Did you have a nice bath? Do you feel better now that your hair's cut short for the hot summer?"

Abby: "You mean I am going home?"

Valerie: "Let's go get in the car and go home."

Abby: "I should have known my girl would never send me away."

Abby: "I am so glad to have my girl back and it's good to be home.......but will my friends recognize me? Valerie says this is a 'schnauzer cut.'"

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The Destination

Zoe: "Oh nuts-oh nuts-oh nuts. Who is this person and what does she think she is doing to me!?"

Zoe: "A nail salon! This is a nail salon for dogs. Hey I don't need my nails trimmed. They are just fine they way they are! Only cats and chihuahas need their nails trimmed! Oh she'd better not paint them like a poodle."

Maxie: "I HATE having my nails trimmed."

Maxie: "....and what do you mean only cats and chihuahas need their nails trimmed Zoe?!"

Maxie: "Aw not the back ones tooooooo."

Jackie: "I've been through this lots of times you guys. We'll be home soon. I don't know why the family doesn't trim our nails at home....I am so GOOD.....yeah, just get your nose a little closer to my teeth, Nail-Trimmer-Lady, and I will trim it off your face for you."

Shortly thereafter.......

Jackie: "Home again, and not a moment too soon. What a rough ride! The crate tipped over."

Jackie: "Okay, we're all home and all in one piece."

Maxie: "Well not QUITE in one piece, what about all of those nails trimmed off?"

Jackie: "Okay, but we're all home........wait! Where's Abby."

Zoe: "ABBY! Oh no, where's Abby?!"


Abby: "Where did they go? They just left me girl doesn't even know I'm gone. I knew having a home with my own girl was too much to ask for. I guess I was bad and they don't want me anymore. What will happen to me now?"