Stitches are ITCHY!
Cookie: "Annie, why are you wearing that blue thing? You look like a big flower."
Annie: "My stitches are itchy."
Cookie: "Yes, but why would itchy stiches make you wear a flower?"
Annie: "Cookie, I would like to lick and SCRATCH my ITCHY STITCHES! This blue thing is like a fence to keep me from myself!"
Cookie: "Oh."
Annie: "Because I am a weener dogus, I have to have the medium size collar. I can reach my head right around the small collar and lick away."
Annie: "I am having a little trouble seeing over the top of this thing......and I would sure like to be able to scratch my itchy stitches!"
Annie: "My stitches are itchy."
Cookie: "Yes, but why would itchy stiches make you wear a flower?"
Annie: "Cookie, I would like to lick and SCRATCH my ITCHY STITCHES! This blue thing is like a fence to keep me from myself!"
Cookie: "Oh."
Annie: "Because I am a weener dogus, I have to have the medium size collar. I can reach my head right around the small collar and lick away."
Annie: "I am having a little trouble seeing over the top of this thing......and I would sure like to be able to scratch my itchy stitches!"
I'm sorry your stitches are itchy. Feel better!
Annie said....."Thanks Squirrely Jedi. I don't like this collar, but I am feeling a lot better. I even played with Jackie today."
Cone-Anne the Dogbarian.
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