Monday, October 02, 2006

What do Puppies Do?

Maxie: "Jackie.....Jackie I would like to play with you."Jackie: "Come on Little One! I love to play! Let's play together with your monkey."Jackie: "First you dig your teeth into it like this."Jackie: "Then you bite down hard on the monkey and make it squeak."Maxie: "Wow, Jackie. You know just what to do with a monkey." Jackie: "I sure do, now take hold of the monkey Maxie and shake it, like this."
Maxie: "Jackie this is fun and everything....."
Maxie: "But I think I would like to JUMP ON YOU!"Jackie: "Hey!!!!!!
Jackie: "I didn't know puppies played like this! This is going to be GREAT!"


Blogger Squirrely Jedi said...

Looks like you two are having fun.

9:22 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

We ARE having fun, but Maxie sure has sharp teeth when she bites me on the ear!

4:57 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

I am trying not to bite so hard, but I get carried away, Jackie.

4:58 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

That's okay, Maxie. I have bitten Cookie on the ears MANY times! As a matter of fact, I still like to bite Cookie on the ears.

4:58 PM  

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