Sunday, October 15, 2006

Keeping Tabs

Maxie: "I think I need to explore the house a little. I still don't know every place there is to go in my home." Maxie: "I need to go and check out Valerie's room. It is on the other side of the house, but there might be some stinky socks on the floor in there. She would like it if I chewed holes in them for her."Later........

Jackie: "Cookie, have you seen Maxie? It sure is hard to keep tabs on such a little pup. I keep losing her."Cookie: "Boy, don't I know it! You were a tiny puppy too; I had a terrible time keeping track of you."Jackie: "Well, I had better find her. She might be scared, or worse yet, she might be in trouble."Meanwhile......

Maxie: "Wow, that was a long way to go; I am so tired. Too bad Valerie had all her socks picked up. There were a few other nice things to chew, though, but they weren't very smelly, like socks."Jackie: "Where could that pup be??????"Jackie: "Oh, there she is. Not in any trouble at all."


Blogger Squirrely Jedi said...

Maxie doesn't look like much of a troublemaker, if you ask me ;->.

8:08 PM  
Blogger Jackie said...

She is no trouble at all when she's ASLEEP or in her CRATE! My little pet name for her it "Needle Teeth" because when she bites me on the ears, that is what it feels like.

I love her.

6:32 AM  
Blogger Jackie said...

Your ears are so nice to bite, Jackie.

6:32 AM  
Blogger Gaming Guardsman said...

Exploring is fun, needle teeth are not as much fun. A good friend of mine has a puppy that reminds me of maxie, and also has the needle teeth.

11:18 AM  

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