Saturday, January 06, 2007

Yes, Weener Dogs do too Need Baths

Jackie: "That was too bad, Maxie. I am sorry that you aren't a weener dog. If you were a weener dog, you would NEVER need a bath EVER."

James: "Jackie, where are you?"

Jackie: "Oh nuts."Jackie: "What are you doing, James! I don't need a bath."

James: "Everyone needs a bath once and awhile, even you."

Jackie: "No I don't. No I don't. Oh here comes the water. I hate water."Jackie: "And here comes the soap. I hate the soap....hey, you don't need to soap me all over!"Jackie: "Okay that's enough! Can I go now?"

James: "No, Jackie, you have to be rinsed."Jackie: "More water. Weener dogs don't like water, James."Jackie: "Finally! Jackie: "I have to admit.....I like the towel rubbing part. Weener dogs do like towel rubbing."


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