Monday, August 07, 2006

A Tragedy...I mean A Bath for Jackie

James: "Sniff....sniff....what is that smell? It smells like.....Jackie! You stink!"

Jackie: "What are you talking about!? I smell fine!"

James: "You smell like a stinky dachshund. It has been a long time since you had a bath."

Jackie: "Weener Dogs don't ever need baths. We have nice short hair and we don't need baths."

James: "Everything needs a bath once and awhile. I am going to get Mama to help me."

Jackie: "James! you are making a mistake. Oooooh don't squirt that water on me."
Jackie: "I DON'T like to be wet!"
Jackie: "Oh no, water is enough, not soap too!"
James: "Jackie, I have to soap you up or you won't get clean. I have to get the stink off you."
Jackie: "Oh, this SOAP stinks! I liked the way I smelled before."

James: "Now for the rinse."

Jackie: "I want out of here. I would make a run for it if you weren't holding me so tight, James."
James: "That's why I am holding you so tight, Jackie. I know you."

Jackie: "Oh this is sooooo terrible. Getting clean is the worse thing that can EVER happen to a dog."

James: "Come on now Jackie. You know it feels good to be clean."

James: "Now for the rub and dry."

Jackie: "I have to admit I do like the rub and dry part."

Jackie: "Oh, that was terrible."

Cookie: "I was here with you the whole time, Pup. It is all over now."

Jackie: "Thanks for sticking with me, Cookie." James: "Sniff.....sniff......where's Annie?"


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