Home Security
Hi, I am Cookie! I am the head dog in this house, but I am good friends with Jackie. I am responsible for patrolling the yard perimeters, controlling birds in and around the yard, barking at passers-by, and maintaining the general security of the yard and the house. I take my duties very seriously and I am always on guard.
Jackie: Well, I help with the perimeter patrol.
Cookie: Yes, but you are just the helper, I am the one who scares intruders away.
Jackie: You don't look very scary to me.
Cookie: I can be very scary and MEAN!
Jackie: I have never seen you mean, except when you don't want me eating your food.
Cookie: Well I don't like you eating my food, and I really don't approve of skunks--they stink. It is a good thing that when skunks come around at night Mama has shut the dog door, or I would GET THEM!
Jackie: I think they would get you too--good thing Mama locks the dog door. You better stay on your cushion:
Cookie: Well maybe we had better go and see if Mama has anything for us to eat?
Jackie: She doesn't. She has put me on a diet.
Cookie: When you only weigh seven pounds, you don't get to eat very much.
Jackie: Well then I have a toy. Let's play!
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